First of all, let me ask you, do you like the music? If it's annoying, just pause it.
This is Elle. Life is not just about makeup, shopping, studying, working. There are a lot of disturbing questions where we like or not like to ask. I may not have all the answers to it, but here is my version of them. Questions here are not always about the bleeding heart, but about what's really the questions I am asking myself.
I am not looking for followers here (but you can always click follow at the top navigation bar). This is not a popularity contest blog, not a fishing for comments blog, not a picture looking blog, not an advertising blog. This is an expression of what I feel and what I want to say.
What theme do I want to go with this blog, I really don't know. I am still seeking answers everyday of my life, going with the flow, joining the crowd that is constantly questioning what's next. So are you the same?